Since 2019, Sheriff Smith and our jail administrators have worked tirelessly to make our correctional facility more than just a place to be housed, but rather a holistic rehabilitation facility. If you can meet the needs of someone physically, that’s good. However, if you can meet their spiritual and mental needs also, that could mean the start of a new, and positive path.
One of our proudest accomplishments is the availability to go through an in-house drug treatment program. This is one of the first of its kind in the entire nation, and a wildly different approach to correctional health. This program is administered through the fellowship house, and it allows for an inmate to receive level one, or direct drug rehabilitation treatments, at no cost to them, or our county. This means people can finally choose to break the chains of addiction, and when they get out, no matter if they stay for a week or month, they are already no longer dependent on narcotics. We thank the visionary leadership of Jail Administer Justin White, and our partners at the Fellowship House for this amazing opportunity for our inmates. Since allowing jail ministry in our facilities, we’ve had over 300 inmates baptized, and with more to join them. By partnering with local ministers, we’ve been able to reduce overall recidivism among the inmates that participated in one or more programs that we offer. Here is a partial list of what we have began to offer at the county jail: -Narcotics Anonymous -Alcoholics Anonymous -PTRC Parenting Course for Women -Family Initiative Parenting Class for Men -Level One Rehabilitation Treatment from Fellowship House -Group Session from Fellowship House -Online College Education -Eye Examinations and Free Glasses -Job Interview/Application Skills -Literacy and Reading Development -Purple Bag Program (offers recovery resources and free narcan) As you can see, we’re working to make our jail more than just a place to go when you’re arrested. We want our facility to be a place to bounce back better than before, and have an opportunity to re-enter society with skills and knowledge to become productive members of society. If you want to partner with us, give us a call at 205-302-6464. Comments are closed.
February 2025