The Mercy Project

Our Mercy Project serves as a beacon of hope in today's dark world. The project was designed to help struggling addicts fight to beat the stronghold of addiction.
We all know that there is a drug issue in today's society. Drugs have affected someone you know, whether it be in your family, a friend, or even yourself. Our project serves to break those habitual behaviors and dependency on illicit drugs, and get one back on his or her feet. This program is at no cost to the program participant or to Walker County taxpayers.
Our goal is to help those who can no longer afford themselves the opportunity of freedom from addiction. We help bridge those who've pushed away their family and friends to rebuild their lives in a new, positive direction.
We tailor-make a plan to help aide those in need. We look to mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of one's life to enhance their chances of beating the tug of drugs in one's life.
If you want to take part in this project, we encourage you to:
1) Fill out this application (click on the text to be taken to the printable application)
2) Fill out the contact form below and attach the application you completed from step one(if you have issues attaching your application, submit via email to OR to the front desk at the sheriff's office)
3) Speak with TJ Armstrong, the project coordinator, to schedule an initial meeting.
4) Complete an evaluation with the project coordinator.
5) Follow through with the tailor-made recovery process.
6) Upon successful completion of the first four steps, the Program will assist in securing housing, employment, and any other necessary items to jump-start your journey to a better life.
We all know that there is a drug issue in today's society. Drugs have affected someone you know, whether it be in your family, a friend, or even yourself. Our project serves to break those habitual behaviors and dependency on illicit drugs, and get one back on his or her feet. This program is at no cost to the program participant or to Walker County taxpayers.
Our goal is to help those who can no longer afford themselves the opportunity of freedom from addiction. We help bridge those who've pushed away their family and friends to rebuild their lives in a new, positive direction.
We tailor-make a plan to help aide those in need. We look to mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of one's life to enhance their chances of beating the tug of drugs in one's life.
If you want to take part in this project, we encourage you to:
1) Fill out this application (click on the text to be taken to the printable application)
2) Fill out the contact form below and attach the application you completed from step one(if you have issues attaching your application, submit via email to OR to the front desk at the sheriff's office)
3) Speak with TJ Armstrong, the project coordinator, to schedule an initial meeting.
4) Complete an evaluation with the project coordinator.
5) Follow through with the tailor-made recovery process.
6) Upon successful completion of the first four steps, the Program will assist in securing housing, employment, and any other necessary items to jump-start your journey to a better life.