We're here to inspire a new generation of law enforcement.
With the amazing support and feedback from our Little Miss Sheriff Program, we wanted to extend the same opportunity to the young men of our county to safely experience law enforcement firsthand. The next generation of law enforcement will bring fresh, innovative ideas to the job, and that's exactly what a policing an ever-changing society needs! The WCSO Investigative Division will hold a day dedicated to educating young men on how a crime scene works, and allow them to have a hands-on activity with a mock crime scene. Students will help solve a crime using clues, and will receive a certificate at the end of the activity. Ages 7-12 are eligible to participate, and the class size is limited. This will take place at the Walker County Sheriff’s Office, and will be from 9am until 12pm. Children must be accompanied by an adult, and a PIZZA PARTY will follow the fun! We are excited about this, and invite your young man to come join us for some fun!
Sign up below, and we'll get a date set for all of the fun!
Sign up below, and we'll get a date set for all of the fun!