Following the consolidation of the narcotics, criminal, and sex offense investigations divisions under a unified investigations division, Walker County has had a significant increase of recovered property and vehicles.
Sheriff Smith and the commission worked towards a compromise to decrease overtime expenses during the last fiscal year, and prepare for the upcoming pay raises in January. The WCSO employee number was capped, and compensatory time was instituted. To decrease the open slots, the investigations division was consolidated, and placed under the command of Captain Darrell Mote. Captain Mote was the division head of the criminal investigations and sex offense investigations, but now oversees the narcotics and street crimes investigators. This allows for the reduction of slots, but not losing the much-needed personnel. In the consolidation, information is much more free flowing between the division members, and this is greatly evident in recent seizures of stolen property and vehicles. In the past week, your WCSO investigators have recovered FIVE stolen vehicles, and FOURTEEN stolen firearms. Some vehicles were recovered in the Saragossa Community, however some of the property made its way to the City of Leeds. By working closely with Leeds Police Investigators, investigators were able to recover much of the property reported stolen. Charges will be announced once warrants are obtained and served. These suspects are currently incarcerated with other jurisdictions, but we have the resources to go extradite those who do crime in our county! These recoveries are the direct result of three things: 1. Better communication and synergy within the unified investigations division 2. Inter-agency cooperation 3. Citizen Tips We thank our investigators for their tireless dedication to our communities. They regularly have to sacrifice time, from their families, to come to scenes at all hours of the night. That time we pay them never can repay the lost memories with family, or friends. We can never repay them for that time, but we can all say thank you. The next time you see someone sporting a black polo that says investigator, tell them THANK YOU! The reality of law enforcement is that we cannot be in all places, at all times. By speaking up, and saying something when suspicious activity takes place, you could make all the difference in whether a criminal evades justice. If YOU see something, SAY something, by submitting your tips through our app. They remain completely anonymous, and we investigate every lead to its fullest extent. Download our app by following the link below, and BE THE REASON someone gets their car back, their firearms back, or gets a case solved. Your tips are invaluable, so please submit them! Comments are closed.
February 2025